Agents will contact you directly from the MLS, we add your contact information (name, phone, and email) to the showing instructions section of the MLS. The image below is an example on how your information is listed on the MLS.
The MLS has a online scheduling tool called Showing Time that agents use. We can set you up an account for $15, click HERE to learn more.
Click HERE to learn how contact information on 3rd party sites like Zillow, Redfin works.
Here's how call forwarding works:
When someone calls our 1-800 number, the first option on the Main Menu is if they know the property address they are calling about. Callers are then prompted to enter the street number of your property and will be automatically redirected to your phone line.
Try It Out (only works if you're already listed on the MLS):
Call 1-800-995-5879 and press 1
Enter Your Street Address
Receive Your Own Phone Call
Our automated system allows buyers to contact you directly 7 days a week. Calls are forwarded between the hours of 8am - 8pm PST.