The MLS has an online scheduling tool where agents can schedule a showing online. When you sign up for Aligned Showing, you will get notifications by text and email when agents schedule to see your home. You will see the date/time of the showing. You can accept, decline, or re-schedule showings straight from your phone. Get your Aligned Showings account setup for a one time fee of $15.
How It Works
We setup an account for you
When an agent requests a showing, you'll be notified by text and email
Aligned DOES NOT show you the agent contact details
Your seller contact details are provided to the agent
You can approve, deny or reject the showing
If requested, we can add lockbox access codes so after a showing is approved, the agent can get the access details
Don't Have Online Scheduling Setup?
If you do not have a online scheduling setup, you will not receive any of the online scheduling requests that agents are making from the MLS. We do have your contact information in the "Showing Instructions" section of the MLS so agents can also call/text and email you for showing requests.
Would you like to add the convenience of online scheduling to your account? Click the button below to get started.
Showing Time customer service number is 480-921-7777 for any troubleshooting or questions.
Aligned Showing Options
1.) Below is a screen shot of what the agent sees
2.) Below are the options to provide the seller with access to approve/deny showings
MLS + Paperwork
Online Scheduling is only included in our MLS + Paperwork plan. If you've already signed up for our MLS + Paperwork plan, then you should be automatically registered with online scheduling and will receive further instructions in your email. For more details about our MLS + Paperwork plan, click the button below.