My Zillow Listing

My Zillow Listing

Updated over a week ago

The MLS and Listed Simply are not affiliated with Zillow and only pulls in listings from the MLS to post on their site. Zillow is a 3rd party company that pulls in listings from the MLS via a feed.

Zillow refreshes their feed daily and sometimes your listing data may not get updated on their site. In this case we can try to refresh the MLS listings and hope that Zillow picks up the new information and displays it correctly.

Since we do not have control over how ZIllow displays information, the best thing Listed Simply can do to make sure your information appears correctly on Zillow is to refresh the MLS listing. Zillow is obtaining its information from the MLS, so updating the MLS and refreshing the MLS is the best option to get Zillow to pick up the most up to date listing information. Keep in mind, Zillow takes up to 24 hours or more to pull in new data from the MLS.

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